Financial Independence
We want to help instill financial peace and confidence in your children by showing them the growth and results in their efforts to achieve sustaintable wealth.
Financial Independence
Financial Independence set students 9th-12th graders up for financial success. This program allows the students to go through our own version of the game called “Life”. Students will experience a career choice, a salary, and real “life hits” that makes the world go around. This will prepare for proper actions and decisions when they come against the economic world.
Week 1: Paycheck: Gross vs. Net
-How to read a Pay Stub
-Taxes: Federal, State, County, Property
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 2: Savings vs. Checking
-Savings: Types of Savings Accounts and Interest
-Checking: Bank Checking vs Money Share apps
-Setting Saving Goals: Long term vs. Short term
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 3: Credit vs. Debit
- Credit vs. Debit: Good and Bad
- Credit Card Statement (APR)
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 4: Credit Report vs. Credit Score
- Managing Credit: Credit report and Credit Score
- Identity Theft: How to prevent it
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 5: Rent vs. Ownership
-What to look for in a lease
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 6: Leasing vs. Buying a Car
-Registration and Plates
-Auto Loans
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 7: Types of Investment Accounts
-Long term saving
-Life Insurance
-Retirement Account
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 8: Investing In Stocks
-Intro to investing in stocks
-Brokerage Account
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 9: Compound Interest vs. Dividends
-How the Market Works
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 10: Researching Stocks
-Individual stocks
-Index funds
-Mutual funds
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 11: Buying A Stock
-Picking your first stock
-Budget: Expenses, Savings, Balance Sheet
Week 12: Filing A Tax Return
-Filing Taxes: How to complete a 1040 EZ Income Tax Form